Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Son of a nutcracker!"

The other day at Goodwill, I was writing out a check while the cashier tried to talk with Jersey. Suddenly, Jersey says, "Son of a nutcracker!"
The startled cashier looked at me. "What did she say?"

Amanda and I were giggling in surprise. "Um, I think she said 'Son of a nutcracker,'" I said.

The cashier nodded once and turned away. Amanda and I hustled out the doors, guffawing loudly. I don't know where Jerz comes up with this stuff.

Anyway, as promised, here are a few pictures of Jersey and Aaliyah from Easter.

This one makes me laugh a lot!

Aaron and Aaliyah.
My mom with Jersey and Aaliyah.
Also, my cousin Andrew and his wife Jessica had a baby boy on April 20th. Welcome to the world, Zayne Andrew!


TOWR said...

Awwww! They're stinkers! I'm totally stealing son of a nutcracker. Tell Jersey to start trademarking or else it's aaaaaall mine.

Carina said...

Look at the CHEEKS!

I want to gobble them. I like the same one as you--it's got some kind of teenage foreshadowing that I find hilarious.

jojo said...

I can't believe how big they're both getting! Soo adorable!!

April said...

Rachel, Seriously. No idea where that came from. But so hilarious. She inherited my funny bones.

Azucar, those are DQ blizzard cheeks. :)

Jolene, I know! You need to come see them!

i i eee said...

So cute!

John said...

Ah! So *this* was what I was missing out on! They're so adorable!!