Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reason #4,381 I don't have a boyfriend

A few weeks ago when either Kristen was coming to visit me or I was going to visit her, I wrote in the email "See ya son!" I meant "See ya soon," but it spawned a phase where we've begun referring to each other as father/son.

Here's a conversation via Gmail chat from today. I was commenting on K-Lo's Gmail status, where she'd written "happy birfday april!"

Me: Awww, thanks for changing your gmail status just for me!

Kristen: Any time, son. Any time.

Me: You're a good dad. I don't care what anyone else says.

Kristen: I try my best, son. You know I couldn't always make it to your basketball/hockey/tennis games, but I was there in spirit.

Me: You were indeed. And the times you were there, well, you were drunk and obnoxious, sometimes even cheering for the opposite team. But I knew you meant well.

Kristen: I get confused sometimes, son. The crack doesn't help either.

Me: I told you to buy a belt.

Kristen: But you know I'd only whip you with it. That's why I only wear suspenders.

Me: True. You're always thinking ahead, Pop.


Kristen said...

We're awesome! It's awesome being so awesome! Birthday High Five!

Rachie said...

You two crack me up. You need to take your act on the road... I still laugh out loud sometimes when I think about visiting you in May. Best. Long weekend. Ever.

N.F. said...

HAHA. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

You cracked me up with this post.