Saturday, July 15, 2006

"If we'd waited, we wouldn't have invaded. That's true cuz it rhymes."

I had dinner last night with Nicole and her husband, Allen. I'm jealous of their perfectness. We went to Adventure's in RL. After we waited for about 15 minutes or so, the high school-age hostess asked if we were "ready to be sat." haha

Somewhere in the middle of talking about our jobs, complaining about our families, and reminiscing about high school, I suddenly remembered a moment that made me realize that I haven't changed much since I was 17. I was explaining to Allen that one time in our senior English class, we were all supposed to fill out a "class poll," so everyone in the class would get voted into a certain category...most popular, prettiest, etc. Nicole and I tied for Brainiest, and we were both pissed off because we wanted to be Most Funny. It still rankles, cuz we were the funniest mo-fos in that class!

Anyway, I was lying awake in the suffocating heat last night when I remembered that I never wrote about the rest of my weekend in Superior. Of course, now it's been so long that I've forgotten quite a bit. Here are the highlights:

At Kmart, Kristen pointed at this picture of Bruce Willis and said, "This is your lover!" And it was funny and spontaneous, so I was startled into a surprised laugh, complete with projectile spit. It was altogether hilarious and gross that we were almost crying from laughing so hard. I mean, come on. Look at that mustache!

Kristen's parents also grilled out for us, either Saturday or long ago. Anyway, after the lunch, we were eating root beer floats out in the new gazebo/tent that her parents had set up. The 2L bottle of root beer was still sitting on the table, but I had replaced the cap. Then a really strong wind came up and the bottle began tipping off the table, between me and Kristen. Kristen didn't try to grab the bottle, but her eyes got really wide as she watched the bottle and screamed, "WaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhh!" It was the most bizarre scream EVER. As she finally realized that the cap was on and no pop was spilling, her face turned red and we laughed until our backs hurt and we were crying. You know that kind of laughing? It's not attractive at all. And then as we're still laughing, another strong wind came up and blew Kristen's skirt up into her face. Oh, Lord. So. Freaking. Hilarious.

We also tried to stalk her crush at his church, but it turns out that he most likely doesn't even attend there. Which is good because the sermon annoyed me greatly. I did like the church itself, though. Very pretty. And I did get to finally see her crush at Kristen's library. Very cute. Looks a little like the host of "Cash in the Attic."

And that's about all I can remember. Which is good because my mom just called and offered me a delicious blizzard from Dairy Queen.


i i eee said...


atsirk said...

I totally watched that Bruce Willis movie this weekend!! And had I read this before then, all I would have pictured was you spitting. Oh, good times. Good times!

i i eee said...

Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever heard of that movie. I actually kind of like Bruce...but moustache-less, indeedy.

April said...

Yeah, a Bruce-tache is pretty creepy.

redlaw said...

Bruce-stache!!!!! Hee hee! I want a real flippin' blizzard RIGHT NOW!!!! I mean, the real deal - snow up to my eyeballs and everything - I am so tired of sweating - for all the water I lose daily, you think the scale would be nice and tell me I lost a pound or something...

Anonymous said...

I haven't changed much at all in the 11 years I've been out of school.

I haven't had a blizzard in AGES! I'm allergic to the oreo cookie ones.