Monday, May 07, 2007

Stinko de Mayo

I was planning to blog on Saturday, but I got sidetracked with a library mystery. I can't really go into details, but it involves a possible break-in and a whole lot of porn on the computers. Yeah. Lucky me. And I thought the Ides of March were bad.

Oh, and it's always reassuring when the police officer you're reporting a possible crime to thinks that it's just your over-active imagination. Nice.


Carina said...

The police officer thinks that you have an overactive imagination? That you're intentionally filing false police reports because you don't mind having a criminal record saying you're a ding bat?

What an a-hole.

Chica said...

It's like a Nancy Drew with porn. And there you were saying your life was mega boring! x

April said...

Actually, he said it to my boss, but considering I'm the one who reported it all to her, I guess I'm included in the remark. But, yeah. He's lucky he didn't say that to me. I don't accept those sort of comments. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Chica, I know. I should keep my mouth shut.