Tuesday, May 01, 2007

"You know how it's hard to be friends with me because I'm so awesome? Well, it's about to get harder."

My life is mega boring. My dreams, however, are pretty sweet. I've made out with two boys, 2 nights in a row. And last night? I totally had super powers. It was awesome.

For lack of anything exciting, I'll give you a couple more Jersey stories. I know, I know. She isn't even 3 yet, and she's already more blog-worthy than me.

My mom, her boyfriend John, and Jersey were outside one warm spring day. It was quite windy, and Jersey was wearing a sundress. The wind whipped her dress up over her head. After fighting to put it back down, Jersey turned to my mom and John and said, "What the hell was that?"

Jersey got her first tour of her soon-to-be new school (Headstart). One of the teachers was asking Jersey some questions. They started talking about American Idol.
Teacher: Jersey, who is your favorite American Idol?
Jersey: Um, Chris Daughtry.
Teacher: Ooh, I agree. I like Chris Daughtry.
Jersey: I like Chris Daughtry, but I hate dog puke.
Teacher: I hate dog puke, too.

Jersey was dancing in the sunlight on the kitchen floor. She asked my mom what the light was.
Mom: That's just the sun shining through the window.
Jersey: Like a summer day in 1995.
(Seriously. She said that. We have no idea why.)

Here's something exciting for all you music lovers out there. I am working diligently on making an awesome mix cd. I won't divulge the theme yet, but it'll gently rock your face off. I have a few people already in mind to send the mix to, but I'm also willing to share it with a few others. You can email me now if you'd like a copy, or wait until I post a pic of the cover to see if you're interested. April's email: newdorktimes at gmail dot com


i i eee said...

Holy crap, Jersey is so stinkin' funny, it hurts!!

April said...

Yes, but it's a sweet pain.

atsirk said...

Hahahahaha, like a summer day in 1995. She's HYSTERICAL!!

Kristen said...

I TOO hate dog puke. Jerz and I have so much in common!

TOWR said...

I NEVER have make out dreams! It's so unfair!

jojo said...

Ah Jerz, what a character!

Carina said...

Me! Me! Pick Me!

Michelle Lara said...

Hilarious! WHAT a funny kid. What a good read..thanks!

April said...

Ah, Crazy Cat Lady. As if I could not choose you.

Michi, You're welcome! :)

C. Jane Kendrick said...

What would the world be without kids? It would be so much less entertaining.

Chica said...

Jersey's one-liners crack me up. I am so just waiting for a chance to use 'son of a nutcracker' in conversation, too x

Sally JPA said...

Kids can be so hysterical.