Monday, August 20, 2007

"Where did he come from? Not from your womb."

I don't have much time for updating these days, so you'll have to take what you can get. Here are a few photos to illustrate the zanity that fills any visits between Kristen and I.

After going to see The Simpsons movie (meh), we walked out to see a large cardboard cut-out for this movie, Balls of Fury.

The cut-out had a bunch of ping pong players looking all mean and poised for a ping-pong attack. One character had a hole over the face, so that other people could stick their own face through for a silly effect. Exhibit A:

And Exhibit B:

Kristen and I tried a new Mexican restaurant in my town, and it was mighty delicious. Afterwards, we went to the bakery for a few goodies. On our way back to my place, Kristen decided to immediately eat a cookie.
Me: Do you want to sit on a park bench?
Kristen: Uh, no. I can eat and walk at the same time. *trips*
Later, after purchasing the ingredients and stuff for our snack foods that we were going to bring to Jolene's baby shower the next day, we decided to stop in at the library to check our email.
Kristen: Should we bring the bags inside?
Me: Sure. Why not?
Kristen: Yeah, the taco dip should be fine for a few minutes. *immediately drops bag and dents package of dip*

At Jolene's baby shower, we only played two games. In one, we were each handed a sheet of paper where we were supposed to fill out the names of famous TV show kids. Kristen sneered at me. "You know you're going to win this one." Well, I couldn't remember the names of 3 out of the 5 Huxtable kids. (For future reference, they are Sondra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy.) Also, there were supposed to be three kids for Little House on the Prairie, which they said were Mary, Laura, and Carrie. But I asked if there hadn't been another girl, Grace, and someone agreed with me. So, I won that game by a mile. Jolene snickered, "I knew April would win that game." I won some delicious Ghiradelli chocolates.
In our next game, we were given another sheet of paper and asked to draw a picture of what we thought Jolene's baby was going to look like. Oh, and we had to draw with the paper on top of our heads. Here's mine.

And here's Kristen's.

We dubbed Kristen's picture Ghostbaby. We later made up a song to go with a Ghostbaby cartoon.
"Ghostbaby comes to you at night.
Ghostbaby, ain't he a beautiful sight?
Where did he come from? Not from your womb.
Where did he come from? Probably a tomb!"
Then Ghostbaby pops up and says in his baby squeak, "You're my new mommy!"
Damn, I wish I had an audio blog. You'd be peeing your pants right now.
Also, after making up our Ghostbaby tune, I asked Kristen, "Why do all of our songs sound like 'Cotton Eye Joe?'"


Marie said...

Ah, baby shower games. Even if they're no fun to play, they're great fun to blog about afterward. Your drawing is great (and by "great" I mean freaky) and I think it deserves a song, too. Maybe Hairless Big-Lipped Baby With the Soulless Eyes. That has a nice rhythm to it. :)

i i eee said...

Um, so now that I have Cotton Eye Joe in my head. Tee hee.

Can I just say I'm so happy you have a camera these days?

I want to go see Balls of Fury now.

April said...

Ahem. Actually, Marie, I DID draw hair on my baby. But because the piece of paper was on my head, it ended up looking like wispy whiskers. You have to look close. Those are pretty soulless eyes, though. Kinda like Michael Myers. *whimpers*

RC. I *heart* my camera.

John said...

Hahahah even *without* the audio, that song is cracking me up!

Kristen said...

Good 'ol Ghost Baby.

And that may be the worse picture of me. EVER. Never let me get a crew cut!

jojo said...

I will forever cherish the baby portraits you two drew :)

Aren't you glad there were only 2 games?!

April said...

Jolene, I actually didn't think there were going to be any games because I recalled your aversion to them. But at least they were group games, and not ones were everyone stared at a person as they tried to pin the diaper on the baby or something.