Sunday, April 20, 2008

Your daily cute

The circus came to town today. Aaron took Aaliyah and Amanda took Jersey for their first glimpse of circus life, complete with elephants. Aaliyah fell asleep. haha

I let Amanda borrow my camera, but she's apparently really terrible at photography. They're all blurry. But here are some shots of the girls after Auntie April came over later in the afternoon. Grandma (my mom) had found an old trampoline that she used to use for excercise. Now it's for toddler-cise.

Don't you wish you had this kind of exuberance?

I don't know if she was in the middle of a sneeze or what, but Jersey's face cracks me up.

Aaliyah Bediah (kinda like Amelia Bedelia)

Ready for a trip down the slide ...

And climbing right back up again!

Jersey's new Scooby-Doo that her mama bought her at the circus. She carried it around all afternoon ... even down the slide!

It was a good day.


i i eee said...

Oh my cuteness, indeed!

I'm so in love with Jersey's hair. LOVE IT.

Anonymous said...

So cute!

I think Jersey's face is because she's pissed at having to share the trampoline. And rightly so.

Marie said...

My mom had one of those baby trampolines but we kids used it more than she did. Baby trampoline aerobics was just a dumb idea, and she went back to the regular earth-bound aerobics pretty quick, leaving us a new toy. Hooray!

Is Scooby really big with the younger set, or is it just that my generation is trying to push 70s nostalgia on their kids?

April said...

Towr, You may be on to something there. haha!

Marie, Jersey is a Scooby fiend. I can't speak for other kids, but Jerz's first vehicle will probably be a Mystery Machine.

Anonymous said...

Lol April :)