Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kristen in charge of my days and my nights.

Friday after my workout at Curves, I went home to take a quick shower before Kristen arrived. Normally I don't reveal shower details, but I'll make an exception. As I leaned down to wash my feet, my foot slipped off the top of the tub, and down I went. I just managed not to crash my face into anything, but then I heaved to the side and smashed my ribs into the edge of the tub. Yowza, did that mother freaking hurt. I don't think my ribs are cracked, but it sure left an ugly bruise about 3 inches long. I was sore all weekend.

Anyway, Kristen came bearing a cheese pizza, and my ribs were forgotten. Despite that meal, I did eat pretty healthfully all weekend, lots of salad and water, just the occasional sugar-free sundae cones. ;)

As you may have read on Kristen's blog, we went to see a movie Saturday night, Night at the Museum. It was kind of blah with some funny parts thrown in once in a while. But there was an annoying family sitting behind us who wouldn't shut up. There were a hundred empty seats in the theater, and of course they come sit behind us. I heard the guy complain about not being able to see over Kristen's head. haha But they kept repeating lines right after the character would say it, guessing what would happen next, and loudly stating obvious parts of the movie. I kept turning and glaring, but Kristen, who was closer, chose the "deep sigh" path, followed by the loud "Ssshhh!" Nothing worked. Jerkfaces.

So, as I've mentioned before, my friend in PA wants me to be in her wedding. I'm trying very hard to be able to go, and I've roped Kristen into coming along. Since she refuses to fly or drive out there, we're taking a train. Excuse me, THREE trains. And since Kristen likes to be in charge all the time (don't freaking try to deny it, K-Lo), we thought it would be hilarious to bring along a video camera to not only capture the experience of the trip, but to make our own Charles in Charge episode. Except with Kristen playing the role of Scott Baio. My question is, who's playing Willie Aames' part?


jojo said...

Poor ribs! Glad to hear you got pizza to make things better.

Way to go still working out at Curves and eating healthy! *Smiling proudly*

TOWR said...

I've been scared of Willie Aames ever since seeing him flip out on Celebrity Fit Club. All those moobs and tattoos...

Oh my gosh you fell in the shower?! That's one of my greatest fears... At least you didn't crack your face open like Carrie when she slipped and fell in the shower like a feeble old woman.

I never liked Charles in Charge. What's so great about Scott Baio? Yuck.

April said...

I, too, was frightened after seeing Willie on CFC.

I immediately thought of Carrie after I fell, too. Although she probably wouldn't appreciate me thinking of her while in the shower. haha

Don't you mean what *isn't* great about Scott Baio? ;)

Kristen said...

Oh yeah, well check out my blog. NOW.

i i eee said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't even see this yesterday! I was trying to figure out the joke behind Kristen In Charge on her blog! hahahahahhahaa! Funny! Love it even more!

Poor ribs! I'm also glad you didn't crack your face open like Carrie though. I was even thinking about that the other day. Maybe I should send you some shower stickers with your late overdue birthday present? wink wink I think I want to buy some for myself.

Rock on with those workouts!

April said...

haha Yeah, Kristen just likes to randomly photoshop her face onto 80s sitcom pictures. hahaha Next week it'll be Mr. Belvedere. :)

That's why I didn't mention my little slip to my grandparents. They'd start padding the entire shower. Seriously.