My poor little pumpkin, Jersey, is really sick. :( She got off the little schoolbus yesterday and just laid in my arms for about an hour, tossing and turning. She had a bit of a fever and her breathing was pretty wheezy. I rubbed her back until she fell asleep.
She does like her school, though. Obviously, it's just a pre-school, but she's having fun. I asked her before she fell asleep if she made any friends. She nodded solemnly. "What are their names?" I asked. She quietly replied, "Joshua... Mackenzie... Just forget it." Thinking makes me feel tired and sick sometimes, too.
Earlier at work yesterday, my boss had come into the room where I was proofreading. He saw the stack of papers with his name on it that he had to correct. He sighed in exasperation. "Quit marking stuff wrong!" I quickly replied, "Quit making mistakes." Then he started laughing and said, "Good point."
I also suggested that we all dress as characters from "The Office" for Halloween. He thought it was an awesome idea. I wondered who would play Dwight. Just then a male co-worker walked past and gave me a nerdy grin and wildly waved. hahahaha It was hilarious. Obviously, I'd want to be Pam, which annoyed Kristen, who promptly claimed that she wanted to be Pam. (Ooh! Right after I wrote this, a woman named Pam came into the library! It's a sign, right?)
A friend, whom I will not name at this time, got in contact with me again after several months of silence. She was talking to me about her boyfriend and how they had talked about where they would be right now, if they weren't together. She joked that he'd still be living with his mother. He claimed that if he wasn't dating her, he'd be with me. I promptly threw up a little in my mouth. Apparently he also claimed that he and I have so much in common. Yet he doesn't notice that I don't talk to or look at him if he's around. Yeah, I'd really date him. *shudders* Anyway, I was trying to remain polite about this confession, so instead of ranting about my dislike, I simply said, "Oh, brother." Then she says, "I know! Delusions of grandeur." I pointed at myself and exclaimed, "And I'm the grandeur!" Then we laughed a lot. But seriously. Gross.
I was looking through old emails the other day, and I made myself laugh at some of the things I had written to friends. My favorite was from last fall, when Krista had asked if I had been hired at Bath & Body Works, where I had recently applied. I responded, "Bath and Body Works never called, those cherry blossom-scented bastards." hahahahaahahahahaha
This was another one that made me laugh, in an email to Kristen. "Life sucks. And then your grandma eats the slice of cherry pie that your mom left for you, even though she has her own freaking tray of pumpkin pie that you hate. Oh, wait. That's my Thanksgiving."
Oh HAI blog
8 years ago
Wheeeee! Love the new look, just like I love the details! whahahahahhaha!
Cherry blossom-scented bastards indeed!!!!
Sending Jersey get well vibes/hugs/keeses.
You crack me up. But you already know that.
I like your title--somebody must be watching The Office season 3, eh?! ;)
Just forget it...
That might be my favorite of the year.
I would claim Meredith. Seriously. It would be so fun. Or Kelly.
I love your new look! Very nice.
Hope Jerz gets better soon. Poor thing!!
I don't like Bath and Body either. I walked into their store tonight, and asked my friend, "Why are we going in here?"--because I'm all over The Body Sh*p now. And, the employee HEARD me and said, "Because it smells nice in here!"
Um, NOT!
It smells like a frontal assault on the olfactory system.
RC, It worked! Jersey feels much better today!
Rachel, Watching? Ha! I finished watching the full season 2 days after I purchased it!
Zuc, Kelly would be hilarious. I could walk around, all lip-glossed, singing "Today was bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"
Jolene, Thanks! I'm diggin' the new look, too.
NF, That's too bad. I actually love B&B, shopped there last night, incidentally. I was just bitter that they hadn't hired me during the holidays when I needed extra cash. And I like calling people bastards.
If I had been drinking milk when I read your cherry blossom-scented bastards line, it would have been out my nose and all over my computer. And then I would have had to sue you. Lucky for you, I wasn't!
You are indeed grandeur.
Whew! Glad I dodged that milk bullet! :)
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