Saturday, September 15, 2007


Now for some overdue pictures of Jersey, who turned 3 in August.

A Jersey in motion stays in motion ... long after her aunt has been worn out.

Strawberry sundae from Dairy Queen. Jealous.

I love when her hair is fluffy like that. It always reminds of Season 4 American Idol contestant, Nadia Turner.

Jersey makes friends with everyone. This was at a garage sale about 2 weeks ago, where Jersey befriended twin girls and their two chihuahua puppies. She's seen here holding Chiquita.

Ah, Halloween. Here is Jersey in the costume/mask aisle at a store, trying on an Elvis pompadour and aviator glasses. She's attempting the famous Elvis lip-curl, but it becomes a cute pucker.

Dear Lord, don't let Jersey become a pimp. Love, April.

Don't you just want to rub her little spotted belly??

*Unfortunately, due to the unstable and volcanic relationship between my brother and his estranged wife, I have not seen my other beloved niece, Aaliyah, in over 2 months. Otherwise, I'd be plastering her adorable mug all over this blog as well.


jojo said...

I am so glad you have a digital camera now. I love the Jerz pictures! She is so cute!

Marie said...

That Elvis shot is so great. Has she decided what she wants to go as?

Carina said...

Her hair is so beautiful.

And YES, rubby-belly, rubby-belly.

i i eee said...

I love her hair when it's sexy fro'ed out. Very Nadia from ANTM like you said.

Those pics are awesome!

April said...

Jolene, Expect more, because we just took her to a pumpkin patch over the weekend.

Marie, She doesn't want to be anything cute. So far it's among a skeleton, a ghost, or werewolf. *sigh*

Zuc, I had that pic framed in a doggy border. I'm such a nerd.

RC, I concur.

Sally JPA said...

OMG, she's too cute!