Thursday, January 10, 2008

"This is not a food baby, all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I am for shizz up the spout."

So, guess who got Guitar Hero III as a belated birthday present from her uncle? That's right, kids. ME. And I rock a mean "Slow Ride" by Foghat.

Last weekend on a semi-spur of the moment, I made a trip up to Superior to visit my favorite Kristen. We took in the movie Juno, which was MF awesome. I can't stop thinking about that movie. So good. Saturday night we went gambling with Kate and Kelly. It actually took longer to drive to the casino than for how long we were in the casino, but it was fun. I broke even playing the penny slots, Kelly I think doubled her fortune thanks to a Kenny Rogers machine, and Kate and Kristen apparently didn't know when to fold 'em. So we went back to Kristen's to play CatchPhrase and Boggle. Oh, and I bought these fortune telling cards at a toy shop in Duluth, so we messed around with our inner-gypsies, too. That sounded really bad, didn't it?

I also took a couple pictures of Kristen falling off the bed and knocking over a table, but she won't let me post them.

I also purchased my very own pink Nintendo DS Lite. Thank you, Target! For games, I went old school with Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong. Have been playing it nonstop since then.

A former professor of mine from college also recently contacted me about a book of his that is being re-released and expanded, and since he only uses a typewriter, he wants me to type it up on a computer and save it on a disk for him. First of all, he was my favorite prof of all time, so I consider it an honor that he still requested me for help. Second, hello, extra income! And hello, amazingly correct psychic! (Did I ever mention that I had a psychic reading last summer? No? Hmm. I'll have to blog about that someday.)

I'm now rewatching Season 3 of Veronica Mars, but I'm taking my time because I'm so sad that it's the end. Damn you, CW!!

Tomorrow is my sister's 24th birthday. We're gonna go see Enchanted since 27 Dresses isn't out yet.


Anonymous said...

I LOVED Juno, too!

Sounds like you all had a fun evening of debauchery! I'm jealous.

You have just convinced me to go buy a Super Nintendo!

Carina said...

I'm dying to see Juno.

I challenge you to Guitar Hero.


Joe: "Hey, Valentine's is coming up."
Me: "Hmm. Yeah."
J: "Maybe for Valentine's we could get another guitar so that we can play at the same time."

N.F. said...

I'm dying to hear the psychic story. I've got 2 of my own actually.

April said...

Towr, get thy game on.

Zuc, Now that's true love... Epic rock battles. (And Juno is sooo good. I can't stress it enough.)

N.F., I will eventually blog about the experience, but feel free to share yours now! :)

i i eee said...

Juno's a great film.

You need to definitely blog about the psychic experience, since I'm having a hard time remembering everything she told you.

AzĂșcar, getting another guitar would be an awesome Valentine's present if you ask me!

Must go rock "Knights of Cydonia" soon.

Marie said...

Your psychic said that a long-lost prof would ask you for help? I must know. That's great news, though! I miss many of my old professors and wish I still got the validation of having someone I respect intellectually tell me I deserve an A. Sad, I know.

I loved Juno -- laughing, laughing, 'til I cried.