Sunday, February 22, 2009


I swear by everything that's holy, I'm surrounded by idiots like this every day of my life. (from my new favorite Web site,

Surprisingly, This One Knows How To Read
Library USA

Library Patron: “Do you guys have books?”

Me: (I turn and give a side glance to the shelves of books on my right) “Nope. It’s all online.”


Accidental Lemonade From Lemons
Public Library Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Me: “Hi, can I help with anything?”

Customer: “Yes, I’m looking for a good book.”

Me: “Do you have any specific genre or subject in mind?”

Customer: “Yes, a good one… one that I’ll like.”

Me: “Um, you’ll have to be a bit more specific. I don’t really know what you like. Science fiction, thriller, fantasy, horror, that sort of thing?”

Customer: “Well, don’t you know any good books?”

Me: “I haven’t actually read them all, but–”

Customer: “You haven’t? What kind of librarian are you? Isn’t there anyone here who can help me?”

Me: “This one–” *holding up a book* “–is pretty popular at the mo–”

Customer: “How do you know I’ll like it?! You can’t know that. I want a book that I’ll like.”

(I get frustrated and just grab a random book that was recently turned in.)

Me: “Here, you’ll love this one!”

(Unfortunately, she did like it, and told my boss to thank me for my great suggestion. Darn.)


Don't forget I've blogged about my fair share of the wackos.

Friday, February 20, 2009

2009, an update

I'm sick of winter. Bring on spring already! There are rumors that next week will bring temp highs in the 40s. And in Wisconsin, that means shorts and tank tops. I mean, not me; I'd sweat to death before putting on shorts.

I joined a Facebook group that's reviving Book It! Remember when you were a kid and schools had Book It! challenges where you would read a certain number of books and earn a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut? Well, I think I enjoyed it a bit too much since my two favorite things are reading and eating, especially at the same time. *sigh* But I digress. I joined this group on Facebook, and we're gonna get together at a Pizza Hut next month. Fun!!

Kristen and I are going to see M. Ward in the Twin Cities in April, and then Neko Case the next day. I'm sure we'll hit the Mall of America, too. Will be a freaking awesome time! Maybe she'll knock some hotel sliding doors off their track again. One can only hope.

And in June I am packing my bags for a trip to Salt Lake City. It's part of our blogger exchange program. Last May, Towr came out here to visit, so now it's my turn. I'm hoping that Kristen will be able to come, too. And, fingers crossed, I'm hoping to finally meet RC and Azucar, as well. (Surprise, Zuc! Plenty of time to come up with an excuse not to meet me, though! haha)

2009 is looking pretty good so far.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I am the All-Knowing One. Sometimes.

Do I know myself or what?

Last month I prophesied that on Valentine's Day I'd probably be watching the movie "He's Just Not That Into You."

Well, can't say I didn't warn myself. I'm going after work with my aunt. (Sidenote: I keep wanting to say "Oh my giddy aunt!" for some reason. Wonder what that's all about.)

I don't have any other V-Day plans, being single and all. Though I did mail out Valentines and mix CDs to my Lib+ ladies this morning. Yeah, you'll get them after the holiday, but big whoop. Better than nothing, right? Big, fat, lonely nothing. *sigh*

I guess I should've known Feb. 14th would be a let-down. My Valentine's Days peaked here, and nothing will ever live up to it. Well, I'm gonna go daydream about John Mayer now, and don't you dare interrupt with talk of his current girlfriend. Hmph.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm so money ...

I have a guest blogger at my book blog, New Dork Times. Her name is Kelly Simmons, author of the book Standing Still, which I adored and reviewed here last April.

Please check out the post and make sure to leave a comment because Kelly will be giving away an autographed copy of her book!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Can you tell the difference ...

... between Amy Adams and Isla Fisher?

Neither can I. I'm pretty sure they're the same person.