Thursday, February 02, 2006

Verily I say unto thee....hubba, hubba

Oh, Legolas.

You're like a Middle-earth rock star, yet your worth is greatly under valued.

With your sweetly boyish good looks and flowing blond locks, one may fail to appreciate your true worth.

The quickness of your bow and arrow. The speed of your elvish feet. Your undying and fierce loyalty--nay, devotion--to the fellowship of the ring.

Sure, some may worship the obvious hero, the rugged, sexy Aragorn. One true king and all that. Oh, I see the allure, what with his mussed hair and delectable whiskers. But you, you are the wind beneath his wings.

But as The Fellowship of the Ring comes to an end, my second book of 2006, know that I will see you many a time in my dreams yet to come.

And as the death toll rises when you slay orc after dirty orc, know that this girl's heart melts for you like a hobbit in heat.

Smite on, Legolas. Smite on.


April said...

Note: This may be my worst post ever. I apologize deeply.

redlaw said...

Omigosh, I am practically rolling on the floor in fits of giggles!!!

"Hobits in heat" BWAHH HA HA HA

Damn, you are so funny, it's not even fair!!!

i i eee said...


Absolute hilarity. Oh how I love dearest April!

John said...

I seriously like Bloom's Legolas. Legolas is uber-cool.
Of course, Mortensen's Aragorn is much better played, more powerful etc...but they're meant to be diff characters so there's no real comparison to be made.

TOWR said...

Mmmmmmm, I love Legolas, too. He's got such nice teeth. Yes, that's right, I said teeth. Worst post ever? I think not...

April said...

Ripple, while Legolas is definitely Bloom's hottest character, I think you should watch "Kingdom of Heaven." It's kind of a slow movie, but he's mega hot in it.

Redlaw, Metamorphose, and Rachel... *curtsies* You are much too kind, sweet ladies. Oh, and I always look at the teeth, too.

John, Aragorn in the movie is a little different from the book. The book version, he can be kind of indecisive. But Viggo is hot. I will not deny it.

Kristen said...

i heart viggo mortensen...i mean aragorn.