Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It is only out of sheer morbid curiosity that I allow this freakshow to continue.

*sigh* I guess I brought this on myself, huh? I should have known that I couldn’t make an innocent comment about being tied to a chair for three hours without someone wanting to know more. The old backfired prank story. Well, if you must know, I shall tell you.

It was my freshman year of college. I had arrived back to the dorms after Christmas break before my roommate, Floamy. Krista (Confessions of a Blonde blogger) was my bestest friend and she and another friend, Jacci (pronounced Jackie) were also back at the dorms. We decided to pull a prank on Floamy, who could be quite annoying. If you'll recall my post about my former roommate getting married and honeymooning in Italy...

Anyway. Floamy and I are from the same hometown. I had forgotten something at home and called her to see if she'd go to my house to pick it up before she headed up to campus. So after she'd picked up the item, my mom called to tell me Floamy had just left. I then calculated how much time it would take to get to the campus.

In the meantime, Jacci, Krista and I proceeded to saran wrap every item Floamy owned. Including short sheeting her bed with the saran wrap. I knew she was gonna get pissed, and she'd be more pissed at me than anyone else. She was afraid of Jacci, and Krista was saintly. So to deflect her wrath, we concocted a plan that involved me being held "hostage" by the saran wrapping criminals. About 20 minutes before I figured Floamy would be arriving on campus, Krista and Jacci saran wrapped me to my desk chair. I was bound hand and foot, and gagged. They conveniently turned on the radio so that I wouldn't be too lonesome while I waited for my roomie. They then locked the door on the way out and waited in the downstairs lobby for Floamy to arrive.

But, you see, the joke was on me. Though Floamy DID leave my house at the time my mom told me, she didn't actually leave town for more than an hour after that. And my dear friends couldn't get back into the room because they'd locked it and didn't take my key. So there I was, saran wrapped to a chair for roughly 3 hours. To pass the time, Jacci and Krista left frequent messages on my voicemail, just so I could hear a friendly voice. The radio, however, was slightly too loud and gave me a headache. And I refused to let my friends get a Resident Assistant to open the door for me. I would have been mortified.
By the time Floamy arrived, I had a full-fledged headache. She was unamused at our antics and obviously didn’t believe for a second that I had been held hostage. She went to work destroying our wrap job without hesitation or even the most minute appreciation of our efforts. Instead, she yammered on and on about her Christmas break.

That was probably the last practical joke I played on her, mostly because she has no sense of humor. Although I did ultimately get the last laugh. That night after turning off the lights, she got into her bed and was greeted by saran wrapped sheets.


i i eee said...

Oh no! That's terrible!!! And yet, oh so terribly funny at the same time. Must have taken a lot of saran wrap.

atsirk said...

HAHAHAHAH. Oh, the sweet, sweet memories! That. Was. Awesome!! I still chuckle at the thought of it.

TOWR said...

LOL Don't you just hate it when the prank backfires? What an awesome story!

April said...

Meta, terribly funny is correct. And I'm pretty sure Jacci bought the saran wrap, so I didn't care how much it took. :)

Jolene, Nobuko would have never let me live it down if she'd opened the door for me. Do you remember Joy and Erica right across from my room? They kept knocking on my door, too, to see if I was okay.

Krista, Let's invent a time machine and go back to those days. I would have played so many more pranks...

Rachel, Glad you approved. It sucked that it backfired, but when pranking, that's just something you've gotta risk.

Ripple, Wow! You're prank was a lot more advanced. I would have gotten one screw out of the bed and given up. :)

redlaw said...

You're so my hero!!!