God, I loved him. I really did.
When my uncle, Brad, moved to California in 2002, I had one request: "If you ever meet Heath Ledger, tell him I love him!"
It wasn't long after he made his move that, as he and a friend drove through LA, Brad spotted a sign adverising an autograph signing with Heath. He made his friend turn around, and Brad stood in line for 45 minutes to get an autographed photo for me. It's matted and framed and has hung on my bedroom wall for more than 5 years now. This is a replica of the one I have:

Last Friday, my co-worker Ray and I were talking about how excited we were about the upcoming Batman movie, Dark Knight. I told him that my favorite thing about Heath is that, no matter what role he takes on, he just becomes that character. You never watch and think, "That's Heath Ledger playing that guy." He's just the character. That's really rare, I think. Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise no matter what role he plays. Same with Mel Gibson, Jim Carrey, Bruce Willis, any leading male actor you can think of.
I wondered how many times I've personally blogged about him. His name popped up four times on this blog. I checked my first blog, and I stopped counting after the seventh post that featured him.
If I, a person who has never actually met the man, have been touched that much by his life and death, I can't imagine the heartbreak his family and close friends must be suffering.
Very sad.
It does still seem so unreal....
I enjoyed him in the two I'd seen him in (Knight's Tale and Brothers Grimm). Amen to your last point -- especially for his little girl.
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