Sunday, October 14, 2007

Stupid Michael Scott! And Kristen!

Yesterday as a teenage girl was leaving the library, she stopped to tell me that she wasn't using the computer anymore. Except she said, "I'm getting off."

And before common sense kicked in, I almost blurted out, "That's what she said!"

Dude! Do you know how much trouble I would have been in if I'd said that? To a teenage girl? Ay Dios mio!


TOWR said...

I find myself thinking "That's what she said" much more often than I should. And it totally cracks me up.

I have been known to say it out loud when the situation calls for it as well. My favorite was when my brother and I were reinforcing my pond:

Me - Ok, you push and I'll screw... That's what she said. HA!

My brother - You're a moron.

Carina said...

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica.

Nemesis said...

Bwah hahahaha!